Good Morning! First things first. SAMHAIN PUBLISHING is having an EARTH DAY sale. Enter code EARTH12 and get 30% off any ebook! Can't beat that, can ya?
I just turned in the rest of A Little Harmless Fascination and I am pretty pleased with it. It isn't quite as suspense filled as some of the others, and it had more romancy parts to it than I expected:) I like that. One thing I have always liked about writing my Harmless books is that there is formula beyond the romance part of it. Okay, so all of them have some super smexy parts. What I mean is that some are BDSM and some have suspense. Some are just erotic romance. After coming up with all the part of the next full Harmless book, A Little Harmless Fantasy, I am not sure there is going to be that much suspense in that one either. I am still working on the details, but I do believe that there is going to be more about our three main protagonists, it is MMF, and how they deal not only with the growing relationship they all share, but how they handle their lives and their relationship when something very horrible happens. But not to worry, suspense lovers. A Little Harmless Ride and A Little Harmless Secret will both have a lot of suspense in them. I am super excited about both, but especially Ride because it goes to the Big Island, my favorite island. I am finishing up my research on the Paniolo, the Hawaiian cowboy.
I am sure some of you might have noticed the widget to the side. I am going to have a salute to Military Romance in May, the week of Memorial Day. Authors participating are Cat Johnson, Kallypso Masters, SE Jakes and Heather Long are joining me to talk about military romance. Each author will give a prize a day away AND there is a huge grand prize. Big winner will have a choice of a KINDLE FIRE or a 200 GC from Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner's choice).
And if that is not enough...Wax Creative is moving along with my website redesign. I am so excited about it and I feel confident in their abilities. It is really nice to have a designer listen to my thoughts and suggestions and not treat me like I am stupid. It will be fully integrated for my social media and lots of bells and whistles. Soo excited!
I am going to start cleaning out the office today and getting things set to the move to the rental house. The only thing keeping me sane is that I know our next move is after Les is retired from the AF. It is hard to believe that the journey we started together, here in Montgomery because Les went to OTS here, is coming to an end. I am kind of sad because I am military brat at heart, but part of me is excited about the upcoming possibilities.
Off to get started on the packing so I can play with Deke and Samantha today!
2024 Year in Review
1 month ago
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