Sunday, February 5

Some Updates and What Not

Callum is just about done and should be going out tomorrow, hurrah! I wanted to let you know that I had to rework the schedule. I have talked about this before, but I wanted to give you a little heads up about how I will process from now on.
I have six more new releases planned for this year. That doesn't count the shorties I will be releasing for free, my rereleases, or my Kiera West or Melissa Schroeder Siren releases. That last bit is important. I have three more books due in for the Great Wolves series. To be able to do that, I have to space out my selfpubs. I also have two more Texas Temptations planned, so in order to get that done, I have to lighten my schedule.
I am also homeschooling now and we have decided to move on base. Well, we hope to move on base. Not sure if it will work out, but I think it will. So, I have a lot on my plate this year and I want to make sure I can give my readers the quality they expect.
Another little plug here and then I am reading through Callum one more time before formatting. I am going to start posting chapters on my Facebook Fan Page. You will have to LIKE it to see it, so make sure you do that so you don't miss out. I am presently working on a new website and there will be a member only area, so this is just getting us ready for it:)
Off to work and I hope everyone had a great weekend. Oh, and I guess we need a purty man?

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