Saturday, February 25

Short stories, parties, and surgery

Hello, everyone! It has been a busy week of writing and promo planning for me. I am about to finish up A Little Harmless Fascination rough draft today and will be diving into Possession next. They are my next releases, April and May. I have some updates on some things that will be happening.

As of right now, if you win a prize from me that must be mailed, it will be at least two weeks. My wonderful PA Brandy Walker had surgery on her arm and needs some time to heal. I am sure all of you will understand:)  Email from the contact on my website will also be slow during this time.
Harmless shorts are about to change. From now on, they will be offered free individually on a members' only kind of special. I am planning on having a members' only section on my new website, but it might be months before it is ready to go. So, Brandy and I will come up with something else before then. Jocelyn and Kai need their short story and I will have it out this spring. The only way you will be able to get it outside of that is in collections. I am going to start bundling my Harmless shorts and releasing them. They will be entitled Harmless Love. I am hoping to have the first one out in the April/May time period. 
Callum is about to be put in KDP select starting March 1. Since ALH Submission was so successful, I wanted to try test it with a fairly new book in a different genre and see what happened. So, if you buy from anyone but Kindle, make sure you get it by Feb 29th as I will be pulling it down the morning of March 1.  I want to see the difference in sales and borrowing for other genres. I am still learning this business of self-publishing so please be patient with me. I plan on doing some other promotions in the coming month as I test out some of my marketing ideas.  
 If you are going to AAD, the two public functions I am sponsoring are open to everyone, but a word of caution. If you don't sign up for the tickets you could miss out on promo stuff. I am basing my promo ordering on the number of people signed up for the event. While I understand that everyone can come in and I will be happy to hang out, I will have to make sure that I don't waste money on stuff. ESPECIALLY the huge things. Little stuff I will have a lot of, and I will be happy to buy 400 of anything for readers, but I am also working on getting this stuff there. While I am driving, I will have to haul all this stuff and I want to make sure there is a reason:) Make sure you go get your tickets if you are signed up for AAD TICKETS. Registration is completely sold out for the entire con but there is a wait list. 
That's it. I am back to writing hoping I can go ahead and finish up the fugly rough draft of the book so I can dive into Deke and Sam's book tomorrow morning.


Colleen said...

Hoping Brandy feels better soon!

Pommawolf Emeraldwolfeyes said...

First...I've missed alot, but send Brandy all my love, thoughts and prayers to you both.
I just snapped up Callum, and can't wait to read
I wish I could come to ADD, but perhaps after we get moved back down to the lower 48. It is our hope to be moving back this summer. So perhaps next year..*S*
Wishing you all the best Melissa!


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