Thursday, January 26

Guest & Giveaway: Jenna Bayley-Burke

Sexy, Lovable…and Such Fun
One of the most common questions writers are asked is “Where do you get your ideas?” Ideas are the easy part – read a magazine, watch TV, people watch, eavesdrop, climb the family tree…stories are everywhere. The same stories have been told since people began spinning tales. What makes them fresh, unique are the characters.
One of my favorite ways to develop the people I’ll be sharing head space with for the next year or two, is to look at their horoscopes. Yes, I get to ask “What’s your sign?”
With a basic idea of the person, I work out their sign and then explore from there, watching how it blends and clashes with the sign of their intended. Playing with personality is such fun.
In my latest novel, For Kicks, I let my characters play with the preconceived notions of their signs too. Breeze is on a whirlwind business trip which has her spending too much time and money in airport bookstores. When she picks up an astrology guide she gets a little self-aware. It was such fun watching her try to work in a way to ask Logan what his sign was. It got downright hilarious for me when she thought his was spot on, while she’d rejected nearly everything about her own.
For a chance to win a $5 e-gift card to Amazon or B&N (which you can use to buy own copy of For Kicks)…comment here to tell me, what’s your sign? And do you think it suits you…at all? Check back tomorrow and I'll post the winner.
Release Date: 1-24-2012
Published by: Samhain Publishing
If the shoe fits…run with it!

Breeze Cohen senses something is missing from her life, but her career doesn’t leave time for anything but retail business strategy—particularly the upcoming product launch for her cornerstone client, Nitrous.

No way is she going to let live-for-the-moment Logan Chandler tarnish her professional reputation. Even if the ex-athlete poster boy for Nitrous makes her heart pound like she’s run a marathon.

After surviving a near-fatal accident, Logan doesn’t want to waste a minute of life. It’s meant to be lived, ravished, enjoyed—and there’s no one he’d like to ravish more than Breeze. There’s a deep pool of mutual desire beneath her icy façade. He can feel it every time they touch.

When a training snafu at Nitrous launches Breeze into damage control, Logan is ready and waiting to lace up and take her for a run on the wilder side—if he can catch her.

This book has been previously published.

Product Warnings
Side effects may include a desire to melt chocolate with body heat, spontaneous phone sex, and an intense drive to find loopholes in your workplace fraternization policy. 

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About the Author:
College confused me. I went in determined to become an orthopedic surgeon, and  came out with a triple major – Psychology, Religious Studies, and English. Thank goodness organic chemistry mystified me, or my life might have turned out completely different. Or not. I always wanted to write, it just seemed like a far away goal – a someday not a today.
After managing department stores and executive recruiting, I got lucky and had my first of three children. After two years of fertility treatments, I wanted to be with him as much as I could and opted to stay home. I started writing then, and developing recipes for magazines like Cooking Light and Better Homes & Gardens.
After my second son was born I had a health crisis, and as I lay in the ER I worried about what my boys would make of the things I’d left behind. Stories started and never finished, notes on novels never written, not to mention the rolls of film I’d yet to develop and put in albums. Grateful for life and high on pain meds, I was making some brave decisions. Like writing a book in a month for National Novel Writers Month (NaNoWriMo).
That book (after much editing) became my first romance novel, JUST ONE SPARK, published by Mills & Boon in 2006. COOKING UP A STORM followed, as have a series of single-title romances from Samhain Publishing (HER CINDERELLA COMPLEXPAR FOR THE COURSECOMPROMISING POSITIONS,PRIDE & PASSIONPRIVATE SCANDALFOR KICKS, and DRIVE ME CRAZY).
COMPROMISING POSITIONS will always hold a special place in my heart, not because it sat atop the Amazon Bestseller list for two weeks, but because it was the story I was writing when I got sick, the half-finished book I worried my boys would find and wonder why I hadn’t completed it. Nothing compares to showing my kids that when you have a dream you chase it, catch it, hold on with both hands, and never let go


Unknown said...

I loved Comprimising Posistions.... Oh and my sign is Virgo. :-)

Chris said...

I loved Compromising Positions too! For Kicks looks like a must read as well! I actually had my chart cast by an uncle who dabbled in astrology, so I know all my planet signs. I am a Scorpio sun, Scorpio Moon and Scorpio rising. See a trend here? Yes, I am pretty Scorpio-ish. People tend not to mess with me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

cdkros (at) gmail (dot) com

Shelley B said...

My sign is Aquarius, which means I am refined and idealistic, romantic but practical, personable and likable. Yep, that pretty much sums me up.

Joanne said...

I am a Leo. Leo's are supposed to be confident, ambitious, independent, loyal, and generous. I know I am loyal and generous. The others, not so much. Can't wait to read For Kicks. Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the blog tour.


Anonymous said...

I'm a Scorpio. I think the sign suits me well. I have For Kicks on my to buy list. It looks like a great read.

Colleen C. said...

I am a Libra and my sign fits me mostly... I am one that weighs everything... I take my time in making decisions... Thanks for sharing with us today!

Angela Peters said...

I liked Private Scandal and I'm looking forward to reading For Kicks too. I'm a Capricorn. I do have some characteristics of the Capricorn,I'm definitely the quiet type, but they are supposed to be confident, and that's definitely something I'm not.

angpet76 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Cathy M said...

Hi Jenna,

Another fan of Compromising Positions.
As for my sign, Pisces, I think it is pretty right on, though, I have more of the darker characteristics lately than I would like.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

Jane said...

I'm a Sag. Some of the traits apply to me and some don't.

Elaine G said...

My sign is Cancer. And it kinda suits me.
For Kicks sounds good.


Unknown said...

Hi all :) I'm a Taurus.

Thanks for all the kind words about Compromising Positions. I still have a crush on David.

One of the odd things about publishing is the time delay. The reader response to Compromising Positions made me want to write more like it, but I had books like Pride & Passion scheduled. I tried to bring the two streams of my writing together with Private Scandal..and now with my stories this year.

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