Wednesday, November 23

Winners: Interview with Kade

Mel's on Hellcation and I realized winners haven't been drawn from the interview with Kade.

Does this help?

What? No? But look at those abs and umm those things on his sides that make you want to look at his zipper cause they send you that way. Okay fine here are the winners.


Amanda W


You have until Sunday, 27 Nov, to send your mailing address to and I will get your swag bags off to you. 

Thank you for not revolting..... B


Elaine G said...

I love that picture *sigh*
Thank you for the win.I am emailing you now.
Congrats Amanda Wand Dobsew

Colleen said...

Congrats to the winners! Thankful for the eye candy! Yummy!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I finished this read today and my blog review will be up shortly. Loved this!

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