Saturday, November 26

Winner: Hellcation Giveaway

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and commented on what they are thankful for.

I never did answer the questions. I, as you can tell, come from a military family. My Dad is retired Navy, 23 years. My brother is career Air Force still serving. I was Army before I got out  to have my daughter Tylar. Husband is career Army still serving. FIL and BIL Marines. And so many cousins in different branches it would take forever to list.

I'm thankful to every one of my family and friends in the military, either current or past. I know the difficulties and stress you deal with everyday.

The thing I'm thankful beside my family and friends is that my husband wasn't severely injured in the roll-over in Iraq.

Okay enough on that. Let's find out who won the print copy of SEAL OF MY DREAMS and ebook copy of INFATUATION.

The winner is......


Celtie have 72 hours (Tuesday @ 0900) to send your mailing address to 

Have a great Saturday!


Pommawolf Emeraldwolfeyes said...

Congrats to Celite!
And thank you so much Brandy for reminding us what is important..*S*

Happy Saturday toAll!


Tina D said...

I can not believe I won !!! I rarely win these things. Thank you to Melissa and Brandy!!
Thanks Pommawolf

MzHeart said...

Congrats to Celtie

Anonymous said...

I know T was hurt pretty bad but I too am glad he's still here. Congrats to Celtie, enjoy that book, it's bound to be a good one.

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